I want to appeal a citation

If you received a citation and want to appeal, you can do so using the website on your citation ticket or MoWiz app. MoWiz did not issue your citation, we are just a tool you can use to pay or appeal the citation but we do not issue citations or review the appeals. You can use MoWiz to appeal and the parking operator will review your appeal. 


You will be able to pay or appeal by following this link:



Enter the citation number found at the top of your citation, select the city and follow the steps to pay or appeal. 


To appeal or pay for the citation using the mobile app follow these steps:

1. Open the MoWiz app and press on "Account" which is located on the bottom right corner

2. Press on "Citations"

3. The citation will either appear there automatically or you will need to search for it by pressing on "Search" at the bottom, selecting the city and entering the citation number. 

4. Once you have located the citation you will be able to pay for it or appeal by pressing on "Appeal fine"


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